Frequently Asked Questions

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what we offer

Don't Let Chronic Pain
Control Your Life

Don’t suffer in pain any longer. Call now and see how Pain Free You can help you on the road to a pain free life. We work with your insurance company so you have no out of pocket cost in most cases.

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Frequently Asked Question

[pt_accordion][pt_accordion_item heading=”How do billing and insurance claims work?” text=”Your bill will come to the address we have on file. Once your insurance has paid, you will receive a monthly statement of your account standing.”][pt_accordion_item heading=”How long do insurance companies normally take to settle the claim?” text=”Depending on your insurance carrier, it typically takes between 45-60 days for the company to make the payment on your behalf.”][pt_accordion_item heading=”Could my doctor send me a bill?” text=”Each physician who provides you with their medical services will send you a bill from their office. This may include your own doctor, other medical professionals who conducted procedures, exams, or tests on your behalf, or consulting physicians chosen by your primary care doctor.”][pt_accordion_item heading=”My insurance company has paid on my bill but I don’t know how they calculated the amount of their payment. Can you help?” text=”We will gladly share with you any information we have received in regards to your account. Because insurance companies vary with their deductibles and co-payments based on your coverage, you may want to reach out to them for a better explanation of how their calculation works.”][/pt_accordion]
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What Can We Do

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